- Triforce of Power – The Triforce on top of the arrangement, representative of Din. This piece is usually possessed by Ganon.
- Triforce of Wisdom – The Triforce on the left side of the arrangement, representative of Nayru. This piece is usually possessed by Princess Zelda.
- Triforce of Courage – The Triforce on the right side of the arrangement, representative of Farore. This piece is usually possessed by Link.
The Cross and Christianity
Although The Legend of Zelda and Adventure of Link were the only Zelda games that featured the Cross within them, the Christian Cross had also made an appearance in an official artwork of A Link in the Past, depicting Link kneeling in front of the crucifix, a Cross with the representation of Jesus' body, in prayer. Although how 'official' this artwork is, is debatable as it only appeared in two Japanese A Link to the Past guide books. It is thought that this is one of the more stronger references to Christianity in the Zelda series and also seems to suggest that Link may have been portrayed as a Christian, even though Christianity in Japan as viewed more as a symbolism. However this depiction was only in the form of official artwork in two guides, and there is no Christian references within the actual game. However it is also believed by some that the sanctuary also strongly resembles a church, and also when Link prays infront of an ancient stone tablet he makes cross sign on his chest with his finger before praying, what most christians do before praying. It should also be noted that although the Triforce had appeared in the form of a religious icon starting in A Link to the Past, the religion of the Golden Goddesses was not yet established until Ocarina of Time.
In all of these cases, these were the sole appearances of the Cross and Christian references in the Zelda series.
Boss Insignias
A similar theme appear in Ganon's Tower in The Wind Waker. Symbols depicting four bosses, which Link defeats earlier in the game, are marked upon a barrier. The barrier depicts Gohma, Kalle Demos, Jalhalla, and Molgera. After Link destroys a boss a second time, that boss' corresponding insignia will glow. When all four are defeated, the barrier will reveal a depiction of Ganon before finally crumbling. All five of these symbols appear again in the rooms to the left and right directly after the barrier. Below the symbols are either switches that Link must hit in a certain order or candles that give a clue as to which order Link must hit the switches.
Royal Crest
Race Emblems
- In Ocarina of Time, there are emblems representing the races of Hyrule. They are later shown in The Wind Waker on stained glass depictions of the Sages, each emblem above a sage of its respective race.
- Hylian Emblem – The Hylian Crest is nearly the same as the royal crest. It appears above Rauru's stain glass depiction, so it may represent the Hylian race as a whole; not only the royal family. Since A Link to the Past, birdlike symbols like this have decorated many of Link's shields.
- Kokiri Emblem – This symbol resembles the Kokiri's Emerald. It appears on the Deku Shield. This emblem is also seen on the doors of the Forbidden Woods in The Wind Waker, and the doors of the Forest Temple in Twilight Princess. Crayk, the boss of the Temple of Courage in Phantom Hourglass, has the Kokiri symbol on his shell repeated over several times.
- Goron Emblem – This symbol resembles the Goron's Ruby. It is tattooed on many Gorons and seen throughout their cities. In Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, the adult Gorons have the image on their upper arms, while the child have it on their forearms. In The Wind Waker, the Goron Emblem appears on the Traveling Gorons backpack. InOcarina of Time, the symbol also appears on Armos' foreheads.
- Zora Emblem – This symbol resembles the Zora's Sapphire. In Ocarina of Time, it is seen on a round, stone decoration hanging above King Zora and on the stone columns near Lord Jabu-Jabu. Lord Jabu-Jabu wears a crown with the Zora Emblem on it. The design changed slightly in The Wind Waker, where it is visible on Medli's and Prince Komali's pendant. In Twilight Princess, the pendant around Prince Ralis neck resembles the Zora Sapphire. His mother, Queen Rutela, also wears a pendant similar in shape to the Zora Sapphire. The doors inside the Lakebed Temple also bear the Zora Emblem.
- Sheikah Emblem
- Main article: Eye Symbol
- Gerudo Emblem
- Main article: Gerudo Symbol
- Original Gerudo Emblem – This is the original design for the emblem, as it appeared in the original release of Ocarina of Time, before the revisions made for later use.
Symbol of Time
Sage Emblems
- Ocarina of Time introduced the six sage emblems. These symbols are first seen surrounding the Pedestal of Time. In the Chamber of the Sages, they appear in their respective places, each with a different color. The medallions that Link receives have reliefs of the corresponding sage emblem on them. The emblems also appear on the sites Link lands on when he plays songs to warp to temples, each symbol matching the song and the temple. They also mark six areas in Ganon's Castle; one of each represent a sage. During the opening sequence of Super Smash Bros. Melee, the sage symbols are shown around images of Link. At the Mirror Chamber in Twilight Princess, the six sage emblems are seen, but the water emblem is broken. The sages who reside here each wear a different emblem on their clothes.
- Light – Seen on tiles in the Temple of Time of Twilight Princess.
- Forest
- Fire
- Water
- Shadow
- Spirit
Spring | Summer | Autumn | Winter |
These symbols represent the seasons in Oracle of Seasons. In the game's official art, they can be seen on the Rod of Seasons. In the four corners of the Temple of Seasons, the symbols are shown on each tower of the corresponding season. Every time Link enters a new area of the overworld or he changes the season, similar symbols show what the current season is.
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
In Oracle of Ages, tunes played on the Harp of Ages are represented by symbols. They make more appearances in The Wind Waker on the Goddess Pearls and in Phantom Hourglass on the Spirit Gems. These same symbols also appear on the boxart for Skyward Sword. They are now known as the symbols for Courage, Power, and Wisdom.
- Tune of Echoes – Its symbol appears on Farore's Pearl and the Courage Gems.
- Tune of Currents – Its symbol appears on Din's Pearl and the Power Gems
- Tune of Ages – Its symbol appears on Nayru's Pearl, the Wisdom Gems, and has a striking resemblance to the Zora emblem.
Maku Seeds
The symbols on the Maku Seeds in Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons are unique the two games and both seeds have different symbols.Sail Symbol
The Sail Symbol is a symbol found on the Sail and the joints of the Grappling Arm in The Wind Waker. The bottom of the Cyclone Slate, a warping item in Phantom Hourglass, also features this symbol.
Vaati's Eye
Wind Crest
The Wind Crests of The Minish Cap are first seen very early on in Link's quest, but their significance is not revealed until Link finds the Ocarina of Wind. When Link plays the instrument, he can use Zeffa to warp to any one of the eight Wind Crests if its seal is broken.
Twilight Emblem
Throughout Twilight Princess, a red symbol is normally seen marked upon enemies in the Twilight Realm. Even the Twilight Portals bear resemblance to the symbol. Some believe it to be a sign of something tainted with Zant's evil magic. Though this is partially true, the symbol may not belong only to Zant, but the Twili as a whole. The difference is that Zant's magic appears to be red, while most Twili magic gives it a bluish-green color.
Sky Characters
Said to be part of the ancient Sky Writing of the Oocca, the Sky Characters, six of which Link can find, are found underneath Owl Statues across Hyrule. They are an essential key to reach the City in the Sky. After Link provided him with the Ancient Sky Book, it was revealed that Shad is able to read the Sky Writing, even aloud, and it is with his spoken words in the Oocca language that magic is restored to the Dominion Rod. Link could then use the rod to move the six Owl Statues. After recording the uncovered Sky Characters to the Ancient Sky Book, Link returned the book to Shad, who read them to lead Link one step closer to the ancient Oocca city.
Ocean King's Emblem
Cyclone Slate Symbols
Warping in Phantom Hourglass requires symbols to be drawn on the Cyclone Slate, an item given to Link by Cylos. There are six Golden Frogs in the World of the Ocean King, each of which will provide Link with a symbol to draw on the slate. Drawing the symbol given will bring Link back to the area where the frog was swimming.
Door Symbols
On a few occasions in Phantom Hourglass, Link must mark these symbols upon sealed doors for them to open. There is one door in the Temple of the Ocean King which requires both an hourglass shape and a Triforce shape to be drawn on it at different points. Another door, before the entrance ofMutoh's Temple, requires Link to draw a pentagonal concave polygon. The Link must follow to figure the shape he needs to draw are always written on stone tablets somewhere near the door.
Symbol of the Spirits
The Symbol of the Spirits of Good, seen in Spirit Tracks, bears a strong resemblance to the Royal Crest, with the most noticeable difference being that it has an upside-down Force Geminstead of the Triforce. It is most notably seen at the top of the Tower of Spirits and depicted in the contraptions connecting the realm temples to the tower.
Temple Emblems
Spirit Tracks contains five temples in which the Temple Emblems are seen. Each temple has one symbol pertaining to it. This emblem is seen at the station entrance as well as throughout the temple it belongs to, on tiles and walls. After completing the appropriate temple, its emblem will appear on the Collection Screen.
Early on in Spirit Tracks, Niko will provide Link the task of filling his Stamp Book with 20 different Stamps to show proof that he has been around the world. The Stamps are monochromatic images representing the area they are found in. Collecting these stamps merits rewards from Niko.
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